
2024年04月 統失的 ちょっとした日記





1日 成長はマイペースでOK

Create a wide illustration that captures a day in the life of a Japanese man with dreadlocks, dressed casually, as he completes reading a JavaScript book, signaling a sense of achievement. Include a scene where he is working on a laptop, possibly struggling with the creation of a tool for bot verification, showing a mix of concentration and slight frustration. Additionally, depict him writing in a blog at a fast food restaurant, a quieter setting than before, with an iced café latte and a serving of fries on his table, reflecting on personal growth and the realization that success is not about competing with others but about making small, steady progress. The illustration should be simple and minimalistic.



そして夜はマクドでブログ執筆。昨日より静かで人も少なかったんですが、やっぱりあまり集中できませんでした。でも気分は変わるし、外で作業するのって結構楽しい。って初めだけなんかな? ま、ちょくちょく作業しに行ってみたいなと思ってます。しかし、アイスカフェラテのMとポテトのMを頼んだのは失敗だったな。これだけで610円もしよる…。セット買った方が満足度高いやん? って後悔です。普段マクド行かないので知りませんでした。




2日 インド料理店のテレビ大作戦

Create a wide illustration depicting a casual day in the life of a Japanese man with dreadlocks, as he troubleshoots a TV issue at an Indian-Nepalese restaurant. The scene includes the man attempting to navigate the TV settings using a smartphone as a remote, due to a missing Amazon Fire Stick remote, while a young boy (the restaurant owner's son) ultimately resolves the situation. The background should reflect the cozy atmosphere of the restaurant, possibly with Indian-Nepalese decor elements. Include a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie among the characters, with a simple and minimalistic artistic style.



で、色々やってたんだけど、Amazon Fire Stickのリモコンを無くしてるので設定触るの一苦労。テレビのリモコンで操作できるようにしたり、スマホのリモコンで操作できるようにしたり。なんやかんややりながらも、結局は店の長男の男の子の活躍で元に戻りました。やっぱこういうのは若い人が操作なれてるね。



3日 APIの壁、乗り越えられる?



で、そのあとYouTubeで稼ぐ方法を思いついたんです。AIとPython使ったコンテンツ制作なんですが、APIでのアップロードに制約があって実現できなさそうなんですよね。成約内でやるのもいいんですが、稼げなさそうです。SeleniumとPyAutoGUI使えば出来そうな気はするんですがどうだろう? 経験にとやってみるの悪くないんですけどね…。


4日 情報発信、意外な報酬

Illustrate a wide scene capturing the moment of a Japanese man with dreadlocks, dressed casually, sitting in a fast food restaurant, possibly McDonald's, working on his laptop. He is feeling happy and motivated after receiving a positive comment on his online post. The setting should convey a sense of satisfaction and productivity, with the man positioned in a way that his back is against the wall, ensuring privacy while he types. The atmosphere should be simple and minimalistic, highlighting the man's focus and the cozy ambiance of his preferred working spot.






5日 積み重ねの日々、果てしなく

Create a wide illustration capturing the daily routine of a Japanese man with dreadlocks, dressed casually, deeply engaged in his work on bot creation, and later brainstorming blog post headlines at a fast food restaurant. The illustration should convey a sense of dedication and persistence, showing the man working on a laptop with notes and possibly code snippets visible around him. The setting in the restaurant should suggest a thoughtful and creative process, perhaps with a coffee or snack nearby. Emphasize the simplicity and minimalism of the scene, focusing on the man's concentration and the tools of his trade.








6日 焦りを手放す、心の練習

Create a wide illustration featuring a Japanese man with dreadlocks, dressed casually, engaging in various slow-paced activities: eating, walking towards a destination, typing on a computer, and reading. Emphasize the theme of taking things slowly and mindfully in each depicted activity. The man is practicing mindfulness in everyday tasks, symbolizing a shift from the belief that 'faster is better' to appreciating the value in slowness. The style should be simple and minimalistic, capturing the serene and focused moments of living in the present.


これはボクだけなのかもしれないですけど『速い = 善、 遅い = 悪』と刷り込まれてしまっています。そういえば養父がよく「とろいことは牛でもできる」と叱っていました。そんな教育のせいか、自分が成長する過程で自発的にそういう価値観を持ったのかは分かりません。


つまり、焦る急ぐ = 百害あって一利なしだなって思うんですよね。この辺もマインドフルネスが大切になってくるのかなって気がします。最近やってないなあ、マインドフルネス瞑想。またやろうっと。



7日 貧乏ノマド、沖縄へGO?

Create a wide illustration showing a casual Japanese man with dreadlocks, contemplating his travel options between Okinawa and Nagoya for a nomadic work trip. The scene should depict him in front of a computer, surrounded by travel guides, a map highlighting Okinawa and Nagoya, and maybe a cup of coffee, symbolizing his research and decision-making process. The illustration should convey a sense of wanderlust and the allure of starting a nomadic lifestyle, balancing the practical aspects of budgeting with the desire for new experiences. The style should be simple and minimalistic, focusing on the man's thoughtful expression and the planning materials around him.


で、行先を探してたんですがボクの住む大阪からだと、なんだかんだ言って沖縄が安いんですよね。あとは名古屋。3泊4日だとして沖縄がLCC + 宿で25,000くらい、名古屋が高速バス + 宿 で18,000円くらい。


ただもう少し調べてみます。価格 + 魅力のバランスのいいところを探して。あ、そうだPhaさんの『どこでもいいからどこかへ行きたい』も参考になりそうだな。もう一回読み直そう。


8日 月曜からポチポチ苦行

Create a wide illustration showing a casual Japanese man with dreadlocks, engaged in various tasks: setting up multiple accounts on his computer, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the monotony and complexity of the work. The scene then shifts to him looking outside at the pouring rain, disappointed he can't go to his favorite fast-food restaurant for a change of scenery. Lastly, capture a moment of happiness as he reads a tweet on his phone about a follower's first successful affiliate deal, thanks to his advice. The overall atmosphere should be simple and minimalistic, highlighting the man's range of emotions from frustration to disappointment to joy throughout his day.

今日は月曜日ということで、勉強やアフィリエイトに関する作業再開です。今日はアカウント増やして設定したりなんやかんやしてました。このアカウント増やす作業 & 設定作業ってほんとに苦手。ひたすらポチポチカチカチ…。いいいいっっ!ってなってくるんですよね。






9日 時は来た。それだけだ。





10日 マクドでYouTube? 

Create a wide illustration showing a casual Japanese man with dreadlocks, comfortably working at a McDonald's late at night. He is now accustomed to the public setting and no longer feels the need to shield his monitor from prying eyes. Include elements like his laptop open with blog content visible, a relaxed and content expression on his face, and the typical interior of a McDonald's around him. The illustration should capture a moment of personal growth in his public working habits and the contemplation of starting a YouTube channel, all depicted in a simple and minimalistic style.





11日 ブログ8割はChatGPT頼み

Create a wide illustration featuring a casual Japanese man with dreadlocks, working on his laptop at a McDonald's. The scene captures his moment of realization about the ease of using Git and GitHub, alongside the struggles of managing his affiliate bot project. Include elements such as a desktop PC and a laptop to symbolize code sharing, and various notes scattered around indicating his project management challenges. The setting should convey a shift in environment for better focus, with a minimalist style highlighting the man's thoughtful engagement with his work.







12日 げっぷ音、快活クラブの謎

Create a wide illustration featuring a casual Japanese man with dreadlocks, working in a private booth at 'Kaihatsu Club'. The scene captures him enjoying the solitude and privacy that the booth offers. Include visual elements like a laptop open with notes or code, a comfortable chair, and ambient lighting that enhances the feeling of a personal workspace. The environment should subtly reflect occasional disturbances like distant sounds, depicted abstractly. The style should be simple and minimalistic, focusing on the serene and focused atmosphere of the booth.


ただしばらく過ごしていると、物音が気になります。電話の音、咳払い、麺をすする音。そして一番頻度の高かったのが「げっぷ」。これはなんで? 仕切りで区切られててお互い顔が見えないからなのかな? 例えばマクドやカフェなんかで座ってても他人のゲップなんて聞こえてこないので不思議です。





13日 土曜はLinuxの呪文で

Create a wide illustration featuring a casual Japanese man with dreadlocks, experiencing a lazy Saturday. The scene captures him lounging at home, a look of fatigue on his face due to a previous day's walk. Include elements like a couch and a blanket to suggest he accidentally fell asleep. Transition to him working on his laptop, frustrated with troubleshooting issues in a Linux environment for his YouTube video automation project. The setting should also subtly hint at his interaction with AI technology, reflecting his desire to master it. The style should be simple and minimalistic.





14日 ノートPC、限界を知る

Create a wide illustration featuring a casual Japanese man with dreadlocks, deeply engaged in setting up an environment for automatic video generation. The scene shows him at a desk with an old laptop, visibly stressed by the slow progress due to the laptop's inadequate specs. Include elements like open web pages on Google Colab, scattered notes, and a cup of coffee, reflecting a long day of troubleshooting and testing. The illustration should capture the mix of determination and frustration, all in a simple and minimalistic style, focusing on the man's interaction with his technology.


で、さっそくテストコードを動かすと動作OK。ということで実際に本番さながらのコードをと言っても、まだテストコードですが、を動かしてみました。なんですけどね、今はそれから10時間半が経過しているのに一本の動画も出来てません…。使ってるの古いノートPCなんですよね。完全にスペック不足です。ということで新しいPC買う? それとももう一台のデスクトップ使う? とか考えましたがGoogle Colab使ってみようかなと。でもどれくらい速くなるんでしょかね? わからないです…。で、作業はまた来週の土日かな…?

とかなんとかしてるうちに日曜日も終わりです。早い! 明日からまたがんばらな…。よし、やったろやないかい!


15日 マクドポテト、今日は神!

Create a wide illustration featuring a casual Japanese man with dreadlocks, engaged in a day of study and affiliate work, embracing a new, unhurried approach to learning. The scene captures him at a McDonald's, with a large serving of fries, reflecting on the day's ups and downs including technical issues with Git and proxy authentication failures. The setting should also include elements like a laptop displaying error messages, a notebook, and perhaps a cup of coffee, symbolizing both productivity and the occasional frustration. The style should be simple and minimalistic, focusing on the man's contemplative and relaxed demeanor.







16日 心動いた瞬間、言語化挑戦

Create a wide illustration featuring a casual Japanese man with dreadlocks, sitting at a desk as he embarks on a new blogging challenge. The scene captures him thoughtfully trying to articulate his deepest feelings and thoughts into a blog post. Include elements like an open laptop with a draft blog visible, a notepad with scribbled notes, and a contemplative expression on his face. The setting should convey a mix of creativity and struggle as he adapts to a new writing style. The illustration should be simple and minimalistic, emphasizing the man's focused and reflective mood.





17日 準備不足、マクド速退

Create a wide illustration featuring a casual Japanese man with dreadlocks, experiencing a brief moment at McDonald's where he opens his laptop only to close it again in frustration due to unpreparedness. The scene should capture him sitting at a table with his laptop slightly open and a look of mild annoyance on his face. The background should subtly reflect the indoor setting of McDonald's, with his casual attire suitable for a warm night, including a sweatshirt and a windbreaker. The style should be simple and minimalistic, emphasizing the fleeting and somewhat humorous nature of the situation.





18日 一か月労力、無駄に?

Create a wide illustration of a casual Japanese man with dreadlocks, seated at a desk, looking concerned while examining documents on his laptop. The setting is minimalist, capturing his sudden worry as he realizes a potential issue with his affiliate bot project. The scene should include elements like scattered papers and a coffee cup, symbolizing his deep focus and the sudden challenge he faces. The man's expression should reflect concern and contemplation, and the overall style should be simple and minimalistic.







19日 金曜疲れ、ボット完成間近

Create a wide illustration of a casual Japanese man with dreadlocks, reflecting on a successful but tiring week. The scene captures him at his workspace, surrounded by computers and documents related to his bot project, which is nearly complete. The setting should include visual cues of his plans to extend work hours and his interest in SEO affiliate marketing, such as a clock showing late hours and SEO-related books or screens. His attire should be casual, suitable for a relaxed yet productive environment. The illustration should be simple and minimalistic, emphasizing his fatigue and satisfaction from the week's achievements.

金曜日、さすがに週の終わりとあって疲れた! でも無事終わった! とりかかってるボット作りもあと2~3日で終わりそうです。長かったな、もう1か月以上作業しています。これまでで一番大がかりなプログラムになりました。とは言え、アカウントの準備がまだまだ出来てないので、稼働させるのは1か月以上先になりそうなんですよね。あとの問題は、このボットで取り扱う案件が報酬対象なのかどうかってことなんですが…。




20日 京都からのブルーマンデー

Create a wide illustration of a casual Japanese man with dreadlocks, experiencing a moment of introspection and doubt after a day trip to Kyoto with his ex-wife. The scene captures him at home, sitting thoughtfully with a look of concern, reflecting on his challenges and the inspirational quote he recalled about perseverance and hard work in trading. Include elements like a dimly lit room to enhance the mood of contemplation, a laptop possibly displaying the trading video that sparked his reflection, and visible notes or books related to trading strategies. The style should be simple and minimalistic, emphasizing the emotional and thoughtful atmosphere.







21日 ゴロゴロ日曜の株式勉強

Create a wide illustration of a casual Japanese man with dreadlocks, spending a lazy Sunday lounging and reading a book about stock trading. The scene captures him lying down, relaxed, with a book open in front of him. Include a peaceful and simple setting that emphasizes rest and personal education. The illustration should be minimalist, showing the man in a contemplative state as he tries to understand complex trading concepts. His casual attire and the serene environment should reflect his day off from the usual hustle.






22日 ボクの言葉、君の言葉?

Create a wide illustration of a casual Japanese man with dreadlocks, sitting at a computer, visibly frustrated as he participates in an online forum. The scene captures his annoyance with others copying his phrases and ignoring him, symbolized by multiple chat windows open with similar phrases visible. His expression should convey his discomfort and decision to block certain users. The setting should be minimalistic, emphasizing his engagement with the online community and the emotional impact of the interactions. Include subtle elements like a 'blocked user' icon to suggest his actions.








23日 楽天証券でデイトレ見学

Create a wide illustration of a casual Japanese man with dreadlocks, sitting at his computer as he opens a new trading account with Rakuten Securities. The scene captures his anticipation and curiosity about day trading, with a stock market dashboard displayed on his screen showing stock charts and data. He's in a relaxed home setting, possibly with a cup of coffee and some notes or books about trading nearby, reflecting his dual focus on affiliate work and trading practice. The style should be simple and minimalistic, highlighting his new venture into day trading and the busy schedule he anticipates.





24日 アフィリの残酷

Create a wide illustration of a casual Japanese man with dreadlocks, experiencing a range of emotions from disappointment to curiosity. The scene captures him at his computer, reacting to the news that his long-worked-on affiliate bot project is not eligible for commissions, showing a moment of frustration. Transition to him observing day trading on another screen, trying to understand stock movements and spotting a 'show order'. Include elements that depict his transition from affiliate marketing to trading, such as a dual monitor setup with one screen showing trading charts and the other an email of disappointment. The style should be simple and minimalistic, focusing on his expressions of frustration and intrigue.

んあー。なんてこったー。ここんとこずっと取り組んでたXアフィリエイトボットで扱う案件なんですが問い合わせの返信があり、なんと! 報酬対象ではありませんでした。うおー。



そして今日から株のデイトレの見学を始めました。板読みと歩み値を読む練習です。やってみた感じ、さっぱり分かりませんでした笑 ま、最初から分かる訳ないですよね。ただ一つ「おー!」と思ったことがあって、それは見せ板というものを確認できたことです。「わー、ほんとにあるんだ」って少し感動しました。



25日 PayPay投資 勝敗は如何に

Create a wide illustration of a casual Japanese man with dreadlocks, sitting in a contemplative and slightly despondent pose, reflecting on his recent setbacks in various trading endeavors. The scene should capture him at a desk with multiple screens showing virtual FX and SPXL charts, symbolizing his shift from stock trading to currency trading and point investment via PayPay. Include elements that convey a sense of resignation about day trading and a hopeful curiosity about new financial strategies. The illustration should be simple and minimalistic, focusing on the man's thoughtful and somewhat weary expression.






26日 金持ちへの道、遠いなぁ

Create a wide illustration of a casual Japanese man with dreadlocks, enjoying a leisurely day during Golden Week, with no intention of working on affiliate tasks. Depict him at his home, possibly lounging in a relaxed pose, with a laptop open showing a virtual FX trading platform. The scene captures his frustration with the unpredictable nature of the market, highlighted by a chart on the screen showing erratic movements. His casual attire and relaxed environment should reflect his day off mood, while the illustration remains simple and minimalistic, focusing on his laid-back yet slightly troubled demeanor.





27日 ベトナムコーヒー、再会願う

Create a wide illustration featuring a casual Japanese man with dreadlocks engaged in various activities throughout his day. The scene should depict him sitting at a desk with multiple screens, showing frustration and confusion while trying to understand foreign exchange charts. Transition to him enjoying an early morning walk, reflecting his routine to combat weakening legs, depicted in a peaceful outdoor setting. Lastly, show his anticipation for attending a Vietnamese festival, possibly holding a cup of Vietnamese coffee or looking at a festival flyer. The style should be simple and minimalistic, emphasizing the diverse aspects of his day.

今日は一日中為替チャートを眺めていました。が、わがんね…。何も分かりません。分かった! って心躍らせて、検証してみては「あれ? さっきのはなんだった?」ってなるの連続です。難しいですね、ほんと。




28日 気が利かない?フェスの反省

Create a wide illustration of a casual Japanese man with dreadlocks at a Vietnamese festival, feeling somewhat out of place and introspective. The scene should capture him sitting or standing slightly apart from a group that includes his ex-wife and her sister's family, who are all enjoying various Vietnamese dishes together. Depict him with a thoughtful, slightly regretful expression, reflecting on his lack of participation and initiative. The setting should include festival elements like food stalls and a lively crowd, contrasting his solitary demeanor. The style should be simple and minimalistic, focusing on his emotional state amidst the festive atmosphere.




たぶん他人といても無口なほうだし何考えてるか分からないとか、お前なんでここに居るの? とか思われてそうだなと思うんですよ。かと言って、もっと積極的にその場に参加しようともしないんですけどね。それを甘えというのかも知れないし、そういう人を嫌う人もいるでしょうけど。だからといって、まあいっかとも思ってないんですよね。かと言って行動もできない。勝手に悩んで苦しんでるだけ。でもま、それを許してくれない人なら、それはそれで仕方ないかな。と思ってしまいます。だから成長しないんだろうけど。


29日 疲労回復、ゆるりと一日

Create a wide illustration of a casual Japanese man with dreadlocks, experiencing a lazy day after a tiring walk. The scene captures him lounging at home, relaxed and somewhat fatigued, with a laptop open showing FX and stock charts. His expression should reflect a mix of contentment and mild exhaustion, indicative of his recent physical activity and his casual approach to learning trading. Include elements like a comfortable chair or sofa, and perhaps a window showing early morning light, emphasizing his restful start to the day. The style should be simple and minimalistic, focusing on his relaxed posture and the peaceful home setting.

疲れたー。昨日は歩いた歩数が1万歩越えだったようで起きたら足がダルい! 体がダルい! ということで早朝散歩をしたあとはゴロゴロしてました。





30日 為替と株のゆる勉強

Create a wide illustration of a casual Japanese man with dreadlocks, relaxing during Golden Week, reflecting on his trading strategies. The scene captures him casually lounging, with a laptop showing stock and forex charts. His expression is contemplative as he reconsiders his approach to day trading after quickly abandoning it. Include elements that suggest a relaxed home environment, such as a comfortable chair or sofa, and a serene ambiance. The illustration should be simple and minimalistic, focusing on his thoughtful demeanor and the concept of recharging during the holiday.


唯一やったことと言えば為替と株のチャートを見るくらい。今日チャート見てて思ったのは、株も為替も押し目と戻り高値だけ見てればいいんじゃないの? ってこと。ちゃうんかな?



