
2024年02月 統失的 ちょっとした日記



統合失調症患者の日記 2024年2月分。毎日更新中



1日 だめだー

An abstract minimalistic illustration of a casual Japanese man with dreadlocks, coping with tendonitis and trying to stay productive. The scene depicts him struggling with discomfort while attempting to use a computer mouse, symbolized by abstract elements of pain and limitation. Also, illustrate him reading a book and taking frequent naps, reflecting his current state of reduced activity. The background should subtly include a bed and a computer, symbolizing rest and unfulfilled work intentions. The style is minimalistic, emphasizing the themes of health challenges, reduced productivity, and attempts to maintain some level of engagement despite physical limitations.





2日 ゆっくりする

An abstract minimalistic illustration of a casual Japanese man with dreadlocks taking a break due to tendonitis in his right hand, reflecting his need for rest amidst trying to stay productive. The scene depicts him in a relaxed posture, possibly with a backdrop that suggests a pause from work, such as a comfortable chair or a serene environment. Also, include abstract elements representing a slight boost in motivation from seeing some engagement with his information dissemination account, symbolized by a small but noticeable uptick in clicks. The style is minimalistic, focusing on themes of rest, health management, and the balance between work and well-being.



それはそうと、最近更新をあまりしてない情報発信アカウントがあるんですが、ここで流したアフィツイートがクリックわずか2ながら確かにある! ということで少しやる気アップです。ただ、このアカウントが伸びたところで対して稼げなさそうなのと、毎日時間がかなり取られるというのでやる気はやっぱり少な目。マネタイズをX上からずらすという方法を取ればやる価値はありそうなんですが、まずは目先のお金が欲しいということもあるんですよね。



3日 いい一日

An abstract minimalistic illustration of a casual Japanese man with dreadlocks enjoying a meal of Malatang (麻辣湯) in Kyoto. The scene depicts him at a restaurant with a bowl of the distinctive white soup Malatang, surrounded by condiments like doubanjiang, prickly ash oil, and sesame paste for customization. Show his expression of delight at the first taste. Include abstract representations of the meal's warmth and spiciness, and a serene Kyoto backdrop. Another part of the illustration can depict him and a friend enjoying sushi back in Osaka, with a special focus on the celebratory Ehomaki for Setsubun. The style is minimalistic, emphasizing the culinary adventure and the joy of sharing good food with friends.


で、食べてみたのは麻辣湯。最初に行った店が超美味くて、去年の春頃からハマってるんですよね、これ。それからというもの麻辣湯の店をあちこち開拓してるんです。ただ麻辣湯には白っぽいスープのと赤いスープのがあるんですけど、白っぽいスープのが美味いんですよ。赤いので「おお!これ美味しい! 好き!」っていう店には出会ったことがありません。


そして、注文して出てきたモノを見ると、ばっちり白スープ。だけど、白すぎます。「??」 と一瞬思うと、味付けは全て自分で行うようで、豆板醤や藤椒油やごまペーストなどが並ぶテーブルがありました。なるほどーです。




4日 フォロワーが増えた理由

An abstract minimalistic illustration of a casual Japanese man with dreadlocks experiencing growth in his social media account. The scene depicts him observing the increase in followers, from 20 to 27, symbolized by abstract representations of people icons growing in number. Include elements that represent his venture into video content, like a camera or video play icons, suggesting the cause of this growth. The style is minimalistic, focusing on the themes of digital engagement, content creation, and the joy of reaching a wider audience.

ボクには情報発信をしているXアカウントが2つあります。そのうちの一つのアカウントが今朝までフォロワー数が20だったんですが、今の時点で27となりました。結構大きくないですか? 20人しかいなかったアカウントが27まで7人も増えるって。




5日 楽しいことになってきた

An abstract minimalistic illustration of a casual Japanese man with dreadlocks enjoying a day out. The scene depicts him at an authentic Vietnamese restaurant, surrounded by abstract representations of Vietnamese cuisine, indicating the language barrier but also the warmth and eventual connection with the staff. Include elements that represent his excitement for the live music event he attended and the planning for a future lunch outing to Awaji Island with friends from the live music scene. The style is minimalistic, focusing on the themes of culinary discovery, music appreciation, and social connection.

今日はライブへ行ってました。その前にガチベトナム料理で腹ごしらえ。今日行ったベトナム料理店も日本語が一切通じないガチっぷり。いいですね、こういうの。本当に好きです。料理も日本に一切寄せてないし、そのうえ美味い! 最初は怖いなーって感じだった店員さんもだんだんと笑顔を見せてくれるようになったりしたり。お気に入りの店がまた一つ増えました。



6日 今日から新しいこと

An abstract minimalistic illustration of a casual Japanese man with dreadlocks, reflecting on the growth of his information dissemination account. The scene depicts him observing the increase in followers to 31 and starting to post original content aimed at absolute beginners in his niche. Include abstract representations of the digital social media environment, such as follower icons, posts, and a lack of engagement depicted in a visually symbolic way. Also, illustrate his inspiration from observing another account with 800 followers and the slow but steady increase in newsletter sign-ups. The style is minimalistic, focusing on the themes of persistence, the challenge of building an audience, and the determination to continue despite past pauses in activity.


この情報発信アカウント、今日からオリジナルのポストも始めました。ターゲットはこのジャンルの超初心者です。だけど、全然反応がなくて寂しい! まあ、これも最初はこんなもんですよね。



ということで、小さなことからコツコツと頑張っていきたいと思ってます。とりあえず3か月間継続! とりあえずなんて書いてるけど、この3か月間が難しいんですよね。この情報発信アカウントってこれまでに何度も運営休止しているんですよ。だからこそ今回こそ頑張りたいです。


7日 なかなか治らない

An abstract minimalistic illustration of a casual Japanese man with dreadlocks facing the challenge of tendonitis, limiting his ability to work. The scene depicts him in a moment of contemplation, surrounded by abstract symbols that convey his conflict between the desire to work and the need to rest. Elements might include a faded computer or work tools, and visual representations of discomfort in the hand. The style is minimalistic, focusing on themes of health challenges, financial aspirations, and the internal struggle between ambition and physical limitations.





8日 フォロワー増やす方法見っけ

An illustration in a minimalist, abstract style depicting a casual-dressed Japanese man with dreadlocks, symbolizing a moment of contemplation or a creative block. He is surrounded by vague, abstract shapes representing his fleeting thoughts about increasing followers on a platform and possibly selling this method as an info product. The scene is set in a way that captures the essence of pondering over digital strategies and the quiet moments of everyday life, with a focus on simplicity and abstract forms to convey the internal debate on how to attract an audience for his ideas.


そういやXでフォロワーを増やす方法を見つけちゃいました。フォロワーの質は問わないならですが1000人くらいなら1日で行きそうです。昨日、捨てアカで試したんですが2分くらいの作業数回で250人ほどフォロワーが増えました。これ、そのうち情報商材として売ってみようかな? とか考えています。でも、どうやって集客しましょうかね。そこが問題です。


9日 継続は正義






10日 プチアジアンフェス

A minimalist, abstract illustration capturing the vibrant atmosphere of a Spring Festival event, featuring a variety of Asian countries including China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Nepal, Myanmar, and Mongolia. The scene includes abstract representations of bustling food stalls offering diverse dishes like Mala Soup, Nepalese Plate Lunch and Chatpate, Mongolian Lamb Soup, Chinese Tea Eggs, Fujianese Fried Snacks, Taiwanese Sausages, Myanmar snacks, and Uighur Milk Tea. The central figure, a casually dressed Japanese man with dreadlocks, is depicted enjoying the feast, symbolizing the culinary adventure and cultural diversity experienced at the event. The illustration conveys the excitement of discovering new flavors and the joy of participating in a multicultural celebration.


その春節祭ですが、屋台が20軒くらいでしょうか? 出るんですよね。目当てはその屋台フード。今日はネパールのプレートランチ的なのやチャットパット、チャイ、モンゴルの羊スープ、中国の麻辣湯に茶蛋に羊串に福建省の揚げ物、台湾ソーセージにミャンマーのおやつやウイグルミルクティー、あとなんだっけ? などなどを食べました。

その中でも麻辣湯が美味い! 屋台の簡易調理でこの美味さなら実際に店に行って食べたらもっと美味いはず! ってことで今度実店舗に行くことにします。




11日 フォロワー増えた


ペーストしてはとても遅いですし、まだまだフォロワーも少ない。これから頑張らないと! な訳なんですが、ポストのクオリティを維持するのが難しい! 正直そんなにネタないよ! 参考にするアカウントもないしさ…。ということでいきなりメゲそうになってる情報発信アカウントです。





12日 調子いくない

A minimalist, abstract illustration depicting a casually dressed Japanese man with dreadlocks feeling isolated and ignored in a digital space, symbolized by an empty, vast landscape with faint outlines of disconnected figures in the background. The landscape represents the online world, where the man stands alone, reaching out, but the others are mere silhouettes, emphasizing the feeling of being overlooked despite his efforts to connect. The scene captures the emotional turmoil of seeking connection and feeling unseen, using simple shapes and muted colors to reflect the mood of introspection and the struggle with online interactions.



ほんとお前らみんな死んでしまえよ、せめてうんこ踏んづけて気づかないで家に入ってしまえ! ばかやろーが。って俺が死んでしまえば、相対的にはみんな死んだことになるんですね。ふむ。



13日 即凍結

A minimalist, abstract illustration showing a casually dressed Japanese man with dreadlocks in front of a computer screen, surrounded by symbols representing the challenges of managing multiple accounts, such as locked padlocks, keys, and mobile phones for two-factor authentication. One account symbol is shown with a frost effect to represent suspension. The scene captures the frustration and uncertainty of navigating online security measures, depicted through abstract shapes and lines indicating error messages and digital barriers. The man's posture and the surrounding environment reflect his struggle and the precarious nature of handling purchased accounts in the digital world.


あと、買ったアカウントですが、1アカウントがさっそく凍結されました。なんてこったですよ。今回アカウントを購入したのは、やりたかったこと、試したいことがあったからなんですが、いきなり怪しい雰囲気が立ち込めています。こんなことで凍結されるなら、試そうと思ってることなんて到底無理じゃね? って。



14日 ガチりだし初報酬

A minimalist, abstract illustration depicting a casually dressed Japanese man with dreadlocks, symbolizing a creator at a crossroads. The image captures his contemplation over the decision to not pursue an automated bot for platform X due to its bot-deterring measures, represented by abstract symbols such as gears and shields. Additionally, it shows his joy over receiving his first earnings from an information dissemination account, symbolized by a small, glowing coin or a Kindle device. The scene also conveys his struggle with maintaining content quality, illustrated by scattered papers or digital screens displaying drafts and question marks. The overall mood reflects a mix of satisfaction, caution, and ongoing challenges in content creation and digital entrepreneurship.

ずーっと考えてたX用のボットがあるのですが、最近手作業してて気づいたことがあります。それはXはボット除けをいたるところに施してるってこと。やってできないことも無いんだろうけど、手作業でいいかなあ? って気がするので作るのはひとまず見送ることに。




15日 やっぱり

A fresh, minimalist, abstract illustration capturing a casually dressed Japanese man with dreadlocks, symbolizing his current state of low motivation yet willingness to explore new creative avenues. This scene should uniquely depict his contemplation on taking a break while still focusing on his information dissemination account, alongside the spark of a new idea about creating LINE stickers using technology like stable diffusion, represented by abstract symbols like light bulbs, stickers, and question marks around a computer. Include abstract elements suggesting the exploration of photo stock opportunities and a critique on the art of selling information products, portrayed through icons like cameras, coins, and exaggerated speech bubbles. Ensure this illustration does not duplicate any previously provided imagery, offering a new perspective on the protagonist's thoughts and aspirations.


この何もしない期間を利用して別の事でもしようかなとか思っています。あ、今思いつきました。ていうのもLINEスタンプ作りたいなって、収益は別として。Stable diffusion使えばできるかなあなんて思ってるんですが、まだ環境の作り方分かってないんですよね。Python3.10.6と今のバージョンの共存とかどう作んの? 状態です。それはおいおい調べるとして。

Stable diffusion使えるようになればフォトストック系で少しは稼げないかな?なんて思ったりもして。ってこの先アダアフィもやろうと思ってるんだった。あ、今思い出しました、これ。やることいっぱいです。




16日 ぼちぼちで

A new, minimalist, abstract illustration capturing a casually dressed Japanese man with dreadlocks sitting at a desk, symbolizing a moment of introspection about his study habits. This unique scene includes abstract representations of books and digital devices, suggesting a blend of traditional and modern study methods. Light and shadow play around him to symbolize the balance between effort and relaxation, with a background that hints at a crossroads, representing his contemplation on finding a sustainable pace for work and study. Make sure this illustration offers a fresh perspective and does not duplicate any previously provided imagery, focusing on the protagonist's reflection on not needing to push himself too hard every day.





17日 食べ歩き

A new, minimalist, abstract illustration depicting a casually dressed Japanese man with dreadlocks and a Japanese woman, symbolizing a pleasant day spent together exploring various eateries. The scene includes abstract representations of their culinary journey - a spicy Mala soup with unique noodles at a genuine Chinese restaurant, a surprising delight at a seafood izakaya in Ura-Namba, and a sweet ending at a doughnut shop. Incorporate elements that suggest a variety of textures and tastes, such as abstract shapes for the spicy soup, seafood, and doughnuts, to capture the essence of their food adventure. The illustration should convey the warmth and satisfaction of sharing meals and rediscovering favorite spots, ensuring it offers a fresh perspective and does not duplicate any previously provided imagery.



そして最後はミスドへ。店は違うんですが、麻辣湯 ⇨ 海鮮居酒屋 ⇨ ミスド と全く同じルートですが、楽しかったし美味しかったので満足でした。


18日 なんもしてねー。でも

A fresh minimalist, abstract illustration showing a casually dressed Japanese man with dreadlocks and a casually dressed Japanese woman, symbolizing a day of minimal activity yet a momentous personal realization. The scene should capture the essence of setting a meaningful resolution to value existing relationships, illustrated by interconnected shapes or lines that represent the strength and warmth of human connections. Include symbolic elements such as a phone to represent their conversation, and abstract representations of laughter or joy to capture the woman's response to the man's resolution. Ensure this illustration is unique and does not replicate any previously provided imagery, focusing on the nuanced theme of cherishing relationships and aspiring to deepen social bonds throughout the year.







19日 やーんぺ

A new minimalist, abstract illustration featuring a casually dressed Japanese man with dreadlocks, symbolizing a pivotal moment of change in his digital engagement strategies. This scene should capture the transition from dedicating time to an unfulfilling social media account to exploring new opportunities in SEO affiliate marketing, ad affiliate marketing, stock trading, and FX trading. Include abstract representations of these new ventures, such as symbolic icons for SEO, advertising, stocks, and currency, to indicate a broadening of focus. Also, subtly incorporate elements that suggest a departure from intensive social media efforts, like a dimmed-out social media icon. Ensure this illustration is unique and does not replicate any previously provided imagery, focusing on the theme of redirection and the pursuit of diverse interests.






20日 試行回数命





で、思ったのが、やっぱり努力って大切だなって。才能よりも努力。ここでいう努力とは 「≒ 試行回数」 って感じです。試行回数を増やせば「幸運」イベントに遭遇する確率がアップするわけで。いや、もちろん「不幸」イベントにも遭遇する確率はアップするんですが、そんなものは現実問題として損切すればいいんで、やっぱり試行回数だいじ。うん。



21日 懐かしい人たち

A fresh minimalist, abstract illustration featuring a casually dressed Japanese man with dreadlocks experiencing a day of surprising reconnections. This scene should visually narrate the unexpected messages from past acquaintances, symbolized by abstract representations of a broken mouse, to signify the day's initial frustration, alongside symbols such as phones and chat bubbles to depict the renewed communication. Incorporate elements that might hint at the stars' alignment or destiny, like abstract star patterns or interconnected lines, to reflect on whether the day's events are tied to his recent resolution to value and expand his relationships. Ensure this illustration is unique and does not replicate any previously provided imagery, focusing on the theme of serendipitous encounters and the contemplation of their significance.





今日のこの出来事なんですが、数日前に決めた今年の目標「今ある人間関係を大切にし、ゆくゆくは交友関係広げたい」って決めたことに何か関係しているのかな?? なんてのはオカルトすぎますかね?


22日 なんのお香買おうかな

A new minimalist, abstract illustration capturing the essence of a contemplative day spent studying and working, with a special focus on the discovery of favorite incense scents, specifically Chandan and Coconut. This scene should creatively symbolize the serene ambiance created by the incense, with abstract elements representing the unique and contrasting scents of Chandan (Sandalwood) and Coconut, possibly through contrasting colors or patterns. Additionally, incorporate abstract representations of the idea of expanding the collection of favorite scents to prevent fatigue and make the favorites stand out more, such as varying shapes or symbols for different incense types. Ensure this illustration is unique and does not replicate any previously provided imagery, focusing on the theme of finding joy in small pleasures and the thoughtful consideration of maintaining a diverse incense collection.



ココナッツのお香ってお寿司に例えると、ハンバーグやてんぷらだと思うんですよね。正統派じゃなく変わり種。だってなんだか変じゃないですか? ナチュラルにないでしょ、そんな香木とかって。でもそこがいい、好き。いい香りです。ま、香りとしては定番ですよね、ココナッツって。SEX WAXとか、あとなんだろ? 定番とか言いながら思いつかないや。




23日 癖

Create a new minimalist, abstract illustration that captures a sleepless night turned productive, with a casually dressed Japanese man with dreadlocks working on a new tool using JavaScript. Visualize this scene by including abstract representations of coding, possibly through symbols like brackets, gears, or lines of code, and a hint of ChatGPT's assistance, such as a chat bubble or AI icon. The image should also convey a sense of accomplishment mixed with contemplation on the sustainability of using the tool, symbolized by a fading trail or a question mark. Ensure this illustration remains unique and doesn't replicate any previously provided imagery, focusing on the theme of innovation, the challenge of persistence, and the reliance on AI in modern tool creation.





24日 復活しつつある

Create a new minimalist, abstract illustration depicting a casually dressed Japanese man with dreadlocks reflecting on the passage of two years since the start of a significant global event, marking a period of personal introspection and a resurgence of motivation. Visualize this reflection and resurgence alongside the contemplation of developing another automation tool for affiliate marketing, and the recent challenge with proxy servers for an existing tool. Include abstract elements that symbolize the passage of time, the spark of motivation, the concept of automation in affiliate marketing, and the obstacle of failing proxy servers. Ensure this illustration remains unique and doesn't replicate any previously provided imagery, focusing on the theme of personal growth amidst global events and technological challenges.



ということで、Xアフィリエイトのもう一つの自動化ボットを開発しようかな? と考えています。毎日やることもあるので、いつ頃になるかは未定ですが。ボクの場合はアフィリエイトリンクを連発する方法が分からないので、そんなに大した額を稼ぐことは出来ないだろうなって予想しています。



25日 だめだこりゃ

Create a new minimalist, abstract illustration that captures the essence of a Japanese man with dreadlocks experiencing disrupted sleep and facing challenges with his affiliate marketing bot, depicted through abstract representations of a tired figure, shadowy figures or shapes to symbolize shadow banning, and digital elements representing affiliate marketing. The scene should convey a sense of frustration and contemplation on alternative strategies, such as SEO and ad affiliate marketing, against a backdrop that suggests a struggle to adapt to changing digital landscapes. Ensure this illustration remains unique and doesn't replicate any previously provided imagery, focusing on the themes of sleeplessness, technological hurdles, and the search for solutions in the face of obstacles.


それはそうと、Xアフィリエイトのボット作ろうかと思ってるのはいいのですが、それ用に用意しているアカウントが全てシャドウバン食らっています…。しかもシャドウバン期間が長い。なんてことでしょう、先へ進みたいのに進めない。シャドウバン厳しくなったんですかね? 以前はこんなことなかった気がします。



26日 わがんねだ

Create a new minimalist, abstract illustration depicting a casually dressed Japanese man with dreadlocks focusing on a balanced approach to study and affiliate marketing work. Visualize this through abstract representations of a man sitting at a desk with symbols of study and digital marketing around him, such as books, a computer, and abstract icons representing affiliate marketing strategies like ad campaigns and landing pages. Include elements that suggest careful planning and moderation, like a balanced scale or a lightbulb symbolizing ideas and strategy. Ensure this illustration remains unique and doesn't replicate any previously provided imagery, focusing on the themes of sustainable work habits, exploration of advertising for affiliate marketing, and the learning process in digital marketing.




LPもブログ記事とは全然違うようなので作るの勉強しないと。HTML直書きとWordPressとどっちがいいんでしょうか。その辺も分からないのでWordPressかな? と思っています。


27日 botter

Create a new minimalist, abstract illustration that captures the curiosity and exploration into the world of 'botting' within the cryptocurrency and NFT markets by a casually dressed Japanese man with dreadlocks. Visualize this through abstract representations of digital currency symbols, automated trading graphs, and perhaps a silhouette of a figure standing before a vast, complex network symbolizing the blockchain. The scene may also include elements that suggest the challenge of understanding advanced concepts like those found in academic papers, represented by abstract books or papers with complex formulas on them. Ensure this illustration remains unique and doesn't replicate any previously provided imagery, focusing on the theme of aspiration, the pursuit of knowledge in a high-tech financial world, and the gradual journey towards understanding and potentially mastering it.






28日 たぶん難しい

Create a new minimalist, abstract illustration that captures the spirit of curiosity and the pursuit of knowledge in the realm of high-frequency trading, as represented by a casually dressed Japanese man with dreadlocks. Visualize this through abstract symbols for the stock market, high-frequency trading, and perhaps a book to represent 'Stock Market Microstructure'. Also, include abstract elements that suggest the individual's involvement in various affiliate marketing efforts like SEO, ad, and X affiliates. This scene should convey a mix of aspiration, the challenge of complex learning, and the balancing of multiple projects. Ensure this illustration remains unique and doesn't replicate any previously provided imagery, focusing on the theme of intellectual curiosity and the juggle of entrepreneurial activities.





29日 苦しい時こそ一歩前へ

Create a new minimalist, abstract illustration that reflects the diary writer's determination to push through tough times with the mindset of 'moving forward when it's hard'. Visualize this through abstract representations of overcoming obstacles, possibly with symbols like steps or a figure standing resiliently. Also, incorporate elements that signify the success of the affiliate marketing bot with a revenue of 34,000 yen, such as abstract currency symbols or a graph trending upwards, amidst the challenge of shadow bans, represented by shadowy figures or barred icons. Ensure this illustration remains unique and doesn't replicate any previously provided imagery, focusing on the themes of resilience, mental and physical health care, and the strategic pursuit of passive income through technology.


それはそうと、今月も終わり。今月のXボットからの収益は34,000円ほどとなりました。作業時間はゼロ。なかなか悪くないんじゃないですか? この不労所得を増やすためにアカウントの数を増やしたいんだけど、シャドウバン祭り絶賛開催中でめどが全く付きません。チーン。
